Bernhard Trade & Consulting GmbH



The European Chemikalienver-directive REACH is to ensure a high level of protection for human health and environment. Under REACH, manufacturers, importers and downstream users to register their chemicals.


Shopping conditions

For our current and future business relationships with our suppliers exclusively the following Purchasing Conditions apply.


Delivery terms

Our all - including future - deliveries and services including consultations carried out exclusively on the following conditions.


Terms and conditions

All deliveries, services and offers of Bernhard Trade Consulting GmbH are based exclusively on these terms and conditions.


Waste trading license

Approval pursuant to the exchange of disposal systems / shipments. ยง50 (1) KrW / AbfG .


Wood categories

natural or only mechanically treated waste wood, which was no longer contaminated when used as irrelevant with foreign substances.


Terms estate

Business purpose is to verify the opportunity to conclude a contract or the negotiation of a contract on the purchase, sale, rental or other use.


ISO certificate

ISO 9001: 2008
Trade in primary and secondary raw materials, and industrial waste
